Sampark, is a visionary outreach project designed by the Sadhguru the Siddha Yogi from Gyangunj of Shree Siddhashram. It's not just a project; it's a transcendent journey that seamlessly weaves together Seva (selfless service), Sankirtan (the glorification of the divine), and our timeless cultural heritage. Through this project you can connect the world and become a Global Citizen.
Seva, the very soul of Sampark, embodies the ageless practice of selfless service. Volunteers inspired by Sadhguru's teachings reach out with open hearts to uplift the underprivileged and the downtrodden. This is more than just service; it's a revival of our ancient cultural heritage, reminding us that compassion and selflessness have always been the bedrock of our civilization.
Sankirtan, on the other hand, is the melodious thread that connects us to our roots. Through devotional songs, heartfelt prayers, and devotees gatherings, Sampark creates a spiritual harmony that celebrates our rich cultural heritage. It's a tribute to the wisdom passed down through generations.
"Sampark" isn't just an outreach; it's a phenomenon that's capturing hearts and minds globally. It's a celebration of Seva, Sankirtan, and the preservation of our precious cultural heritage. Join us on this extraordinary journey and be part of a movement that restores the past while spreading love and light into the future. #sadhguru #Sampark #CulturalHeritage #SelflessService #Seva #Sankirtan #Global_Citizen
Shree Sanskriti
Preserving Heritage, Empowering Communities: The Shree Sanskriti Initiative. Cultural heritage is the bedrock of our identities, bridging the past with the present and guiding us into the future. Recognizing the invaluable importance of preserving these treasures, Shree Sanskriti, a dynamic volunteer-based project, has emerged as a beacon of hope and passion in safeguarding the cultural heritage of communities.
Grow Your Vision
Seva, the selfless act of service empowers the inclusiveness. Seva serves as a reminder that individual well-being is deeply interconnected with the well-being of the community and society at large. Through selfless service, humans not only make a tangible difference in the lives of others but also experience a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose.