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Nath Yoga, The Art of Turning Inward, Where Silence Speaks Louder Than Words - Sadhguru

Sadhguru says in the Enlightened Earth Mission that In the silent depths of Nath Yoga, the soul converses with the infinite, where words dare not tread.

Sadhguru says in the Enlightened Earth Mission that In the silent depths of Nath Yoga, the soul converses with the infinite, where words dare not tread. | Shree Chetna | Enlightened Earth | Shree Siddhashram

Article | Ganga Sagar | December 20, 2023

Sadhguru: The Nath tradition, a profound spiritual lineage rooted in India, offers a transformative path of self-realization. At its heart lies Nath Yoga, an inward journey where the external cacophony gives way to the profound silence of the self. In this silence, the true essence of existence unfolds, transcending the limitations of words and intellectual constructs.

This article explores the essence of Nath Yoga, its philosophical underpinnings, practices, and the transformative power of turning inward. Through its exploration, we understand why silence, the ultimate teacher, speaks louder than any words.

Silence in Nath Yoga is not an escape; it is the embrace of a truth that transcends sound.

The Philosophical Essence of Nath Yoga

The Nath tradition was formalized by Guru Matsyendranath and his disciple Guru Gorakshanath, whose teachings form the bedrock of Nath Yoga. Central to this philosophy is the concept of shoonyo (void) and mauno (silence). Nath Yogis believe that silence is not merely the absence of sound; it is the presence of the infinite, a state where the ego dissolves and the universal consciousness is revealed.

The Primacy of Turning Inward

Nath Yoga asserts that the ultimate truth cannot be sought in external rituals, scriptures, or teachings. It resides within the self, waiting to be discovered. The process of turning inward is called antar-yatra (inner pilgrimage). This inner journey is not escapism but a courageous confrontation with the self, shedding layers of falsehood to uncover the eternal truth.

The Nath Yogi sees the human body as a microcosm of the universe. The practices of Nath Yoga aim to harmonize the elements within, aligning the individual consciousness with the cosmic order. This alignment creates an internal silence that becomes a fertile ground for spiritual awakening.

The inward journey of Nath Yoga reveals that the loudest wisdom arises from the quietest corners of the self.

The Role of Silence in Nath Yoga

In Nath Yoga, silence is more than a practice; it is a way of being. It is through silence that the Yogi transcends the dualities of existence. Silence, or mauna, is not merely refraining from speech but encompasses physical stillness, mental calm, and emotional equanimity.

Silence as a Gateway to Awareness

Words, no matter how profound, are limited by their form. Silence, however, transcends form and allows the Yogi to connect with the formless. Nath Yogis believe that the mind's chatter blocks the perception of the infinite. By cultivating silence, one clears the mental clutter, making way for intuitive insights and direct experiences of truth.

The Paradox of Silence

In Nath Yoga, silence is described as a paradox. On one hand, it is an absence—of noise, thought, and ego. On the other, it is a presence—of awareness, clarity, and unity. This paradox is beautifully captured in the aphorism often attributed to Gorakshanath: "When the mouth is silent, the soul speaks; when the soul speaks, the universe listens."

Practices of Nath Yoga

Nath Yoga employs a variety of practices to facilitate turning inward. These practices are not just techniques but tools to cultivate a silent mind and an awakened heart.

1. Hatha Yoga: Mastery Over the Body

The Nath tradition is considered the cradle of Hatha Yoga. Postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and cleansing techniques (shatkarma) are integral to this system. These practices prepare the body and mind to enter deeper states of meditation, where silence becomes accessible.

For example, Khechari Mudra, a subtle practice involving the tongue, is said to still the mind and dissolve speech into silence. Similarly, Shambhavi Mudra aligns the practitioner’s inner vision with the infinite void.

2. Nada Yoga: The Yoga of Inner Sound

Nada Yoga, or the Yoga of sound, is a unique practice in Nath Yoga. It involves focusing on the anahata nada (unstruck sound), a subtle vibration perceived in deep meditation. Listening to this inner sound draws the practitioner inward, beyond external noises, into the boundless silence.

3. Kundalini Awakening

Nath Yoga emphasizes the awakening of Kundalini Shakti, the dormant spiritual energy coiled at the base of the spine. Through disciplined practice, this energy ascends through the chakras, dissolving blockages and illuminating the practitioner’s inner being. This awakening silences the mind, revealing the eternal presence of the self.

4. Meditation on Shoonya

Meditation on the void (shoonyo dhyana) is a hallmark of Nath Yoga. The practitioner sits in stillness, focusing on the space between thoughts. This space, often overlooked, is the doorway to the infinite silence. Regular practice cultivates a state where thoughts cease, and only awareness remains.

Turning inward is not withdrawal; it is the ultimate courage to face the vastness of who you truly are.

The Transformative Power of Turning Inward

Nath Yoga’s inward journey is not merely a retreat from the world but a profound engagement with one’s true nature. The silence cultivated in Nath Yoga transforms every aspect of life.

1. Liberation from Suffering

The noise of the mind—filled with desires, fears, and attachments—is the root of suffering. Turning inward silences this noise, dissolving the ego and its illusions. The Yogi realizes that suffering is not inherent to existence but a byproduct of identification with the mind’s chatter.

2. Unity with the Universe

Inward silence reveals the interconnectedness of all existence. The boundaries between self and other, inner and outer, dissolve. The Yogi experiences unity with the cosmos, a state described as advaita (non-duality).

3. Enhanced Creativity and Clarity

Silence sharpens the mind’s intuitive faculties, enhancing creativity and clarity. Many Nath Yogis, after prolonged periods of silence, have composed profound spiritual texts and poetry. This creative expression arises not from the ego but from the universal consciousness.

In the sanctuary of Nath Yoga, silence is the bridge between the finite and the infinite.

The Contemporary Relevance of Nath Yoga

In today’s fast-paced world, the teachings of Nath Yoga are more relevant than ever. The constant bombardment of information and distractions has made it difficult for individuals to connect with their inner selves. Nath Yoga offers a sanctuary from this chaos, guiding seekers back to the silence within.

1. Stress Relief and Mental Health

Modern science has validated the benefits of meditation and breathwork in reducing stress and improving mental health. Nath Yoga’s practices offer a holistic approach to well-being, addressing not just the mind but the body and spirit.

2. A Path to Authentic Living

In a world driven by external validation, Nath Yoga encourages authenticity. By turning inward, individuals discover their true purpose and align their actions with their inner truth, leading to a more fulfilling life.

Conclusion: Silence as the Ultimate Teacher

Nath Yoga is not a mere philosophy or practice; it is a way of life. It teaches that the answers to life’s deepest questions cannot be found in words or external pursuits but in the silence within. In this silence, one transcends the limitations of the mind, ego, and world, entering a realm of infinite peace and wisdom.

As the Nath sages have shown, silence is not the absence of sound but the presence of truth. Turning inward through Nath Yoga, one discovers that silence indeed speaks louder than words, resonating with the eternal melody of the self.

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